As you pray daily for China, think of the great task to which you are committing yourself. Pray that China will continue to waken spiritually and that many dark places will joyfully receive the good news of Jesus Christ.

Imprisoned and Persecuted

“Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” (Hebrews 13:3)

The Christians in one Muslim region are working hard in recent days to support their brothers and sisters who have been imprisoned for their faith. Though scattered because of current persecution, they send cryptic messages through social media and text apps and try their best to keep each other informed.

Many of these believers live in different cities or even countries. In the last six months, their messages often speak of the rise of persecution and how to care for those in prison. Thirteen among one people group—that missionary workers know about—have recently been jailed.

One national couple was arrested last year for openly sharing their faith. The wife had recently given birth and was led to prison with her newborn. Separated from her husband, she was expected to care for herself and the infant in a dirty prison cell. Days turned into weeks and then into months as authorities used the time to find evidence against them.

Her husband underwent regular beatings, and not just at the hands of guards. Missionary workers explain that it’s not unusual for authorities to bring in family members to try to persuade a believer to recant their faith in Christ and turn back to Islam. Families often spew rejection and hatred toward the individual and will add physical beatings to the emotional abuse. The shame they say brought to them by the family member choosing to follow Jesus is great.

The goal of the government and the family is the same—to stop the spread of Christianity.

This couple was brought to trial and shortly after deported to another country. For the believing community, the work to protect and provide for their brothers and sisters is a high priority, though challenging since they cannot meet or openly discuss current circumstances. When the couple was forced to leave their home country, they faced many challenges, including being reunited with their other two children who were not imprisoned with them.

Their faith community worked to provide trusted transportation and a safe location. Putting themselves at risk, they brought their children to them and helped the couple with post-trauma care and emotional support. These situations have been much too common lately, but even in these dark circumstances, God continues to be glorified.

“Out of those we know who have been arrested recently, 100% have refused to renounce their faith,” said one worker. This commitment energizes the national believers, and they have been able to provide support for each other, though they are also daily at risk of arrest and persecution.

“For all of these people, they are in prison for being faithful to share the gospel,” another worker emphasized. “The persecuted church is persecuted for doing what God wants us to do. These brothers and sisters who have been incarcerated over these last six months have modeled that in a really healthy way.”

  • Pray for the believers who are currently in prison. Ask God that they will remain steadfast in their faith and will find favor with authorities.
  • Thank God for the response of His church in this area, who put themselves at risk to care for each other.
  • Ask God to break through the barriers to sharing His truth in this region and for His glory to shine above the darkness of persecution

Suffering For Christ

“Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” (Hebrews 13:3)

James, a pastor in a war-torn country, went to prison for two years. His crime: “sharing his faith.” But even imprisonment couldn’t stop him from telling the story that had changed his life.

Prison in the area where he lives looks a lot different than it does in the U.S. The government isn’t obligated to give its citizens a fair trial. No legitimate reason is even required for taking a citizen to prison; they can hold someone for as long as they want.

If no one from the outside meets the prisoner’s basic needs those needs may not get met. James was the provider for his family. As a result, his wife and children suffered on the outside while he suffered in the jail.

Even after release, James has a long road of trauma to work through. Mark Street a missionary team leader for the area, explained.

“That’s something the church needs to know. Even if he maintained his faith and came out victorious, he still had a traumatic experience. It’s really messy. He’s reunited with his family, but his kids are two years older. It’s not over. He still has to deal with two years of being in that situation.”

But, much like Apostle Paul and Silas in Acts 16, prison didn’t silence James as the government intended.

Peter, a national partner and friend of James, received a message from John, a journalist who had been jailed for six months for writing against the oppressive group in power. After watching a gospel film, he reached out to Peter.

“I saw the film, and I know that this is true. I want to believe. I want to follow Jesus. What do I do?” Peter led John to faith. When he asked how John first heard the gospel, Peter was shocked.

“Well, I was in prison for being a journalist. When I was there, I met this guy who was a Christian,” John explained. “He shared the gospel with me and told me stories. I didn’t believe then. But that was the first time I ever heard about Jesus.”

John shared that his fellow prisoner was James. Peter was reaping the harvest his friend had sown in prison.

The church in this area is small. With a population of 30 million people, less than 10,000 are known believers. But it’s growing. Much of that growth can be attributed to the humanitarian crisis the area faces. It’s opening doors for the spread of the gospel, despite persecution.

“They are coming to faith. They are being baptized,” Mark shared. Forty years ago, the number of believers could be counted on one hand.

Persecution in the area is fierce. When someone comes to faith, they are often completely abandoned by their family. Sometimes, their families even orchestrate their death. Murders of Christian family members are often overlooked by officials. Christians have no protection from the government.

Additionally, extremist groups have informal bounties on the heads of those discovered to be Christians. “It’s a highly restrictive environment to share your faith. People who do are taking a risk. But some are,” he said. Mark added, “I think these Christians feel Scripture so much more than we do, because their scriptural cries for justice like ‘How long, O Lord,’ are for real.”

  • Pray for the church to support persecuted believers wisely and safely.
  • Pray for the humanitarian crisis the area faces.
  • Pray for believing husbands to share their faith with their wives.

“Scripture makes the point from beginning to end: persecution is the norm for followers of the one true God. It is, quite simply, like the sun coming up in the East. Persecutors intend for persecution to punish, intimidate, and silence God’s people. But God can use persecution in other ways. His highest purpose in persecution is to call His people closer to Himself, to refocus their attention to the suffering of their Lord. When followers of Christ suffer willingly for their Savior, it gives their faith value. That kind of suffering also increases witness. The number one cause of persecution globally is when people accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. If believers and their churches simply pray to God for persecution to end, the only way for God to answer that type of prayer is to stop people from following Jesus. Rather, we pray for persecuted believers to remain obedient through their suffering, and we seek to identify with persecuted believers by sharing our faith in whatever environment we find ourselves.”

Nik Ripken, IMB missionary emeritus

For more resources on how to pray for the persecuted church, visit

“Don’t pray for our persecution to end. Pray that we will be obedient through our suffering.”