As you pray daily for China, think of the great task to which you are committing yourself. Pray that China will continue to waken spiritually and that many dark places will joyfully receive the good news of Jesus Christ.

February 2023 Prayer Points

South Asian Peoples. During the Christmas season, there were many special programs and opportunities to tell the Christmas story and its meaning. Many people heard this story for the first time. Pray that God’s Spirit will draw them to Himself. Pray that they will be able to learn more about Him through visits and conversations. Ask that they will hear and believe.

People of Chiang Rai Province, Thailand (chee-ANG RYE) – Continue to pray for our team’s fitness gym and ministry. God has used this gym to bring new people to our Wednesday night church services and start a women’s Bible study on Tuesdays. Pray for people who attend these groups to believe the gospel and follow Jesus. Also continue to pray for a new gym to be built and for the funds to make it happen. This building would allow for more people to come to the gym and for more opportunities to share the gospel with people. Thank you for praying for direction in building aquaponic projects (a food production system). We have set up our first two systems and have hit some bumps. Pray for us to figure out the problems and for things to be smoother in the future. Pray that we will have wisdom about where to put the third system. Continue praying for the student center near a local college. Ask God to provide funds to help us offer a monthly meal, which will allow us to have conversations with students. Pray that we will be able to reach students with the gospel and that they will have open hearts to trust in Jesus.

Nagoya, Japan (NAH-goh-yah)“One surprising thing about Nagoya is that as you ride your bike through the narrow back streets, you might get a glimpse of a cross,” a missionary wrote. Yes, there are many church buildings; however, some of these buildings represent cults that are actively sharing their beliefs with those in our city. Other buildings represent churches that have a handful of people who gather on Sunday mornings. They continue week after week with little change or growth. As we begin a new year, pray for the Lord to bring deep conviction on those who are involved in cults and spreading falsehood that leaves people confused. Pray for pastors who are preaching the truth to be encouraged and strengthened. Pray for revival to break out among the Christians in Nagoya this year. Pray for the Lord to give them such joy that others cannot help but notice and also put their trust in the Lord. Pray for a hunger and a thirst to follow Christ and grow closer to Him this year. “He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him.” (Psalm 40:3)

Deaf Peoples. Worker Melody Hendrick was recently hanging out with her Central Asian sister in Christ, Susie, and some nonbelievers who had attended her fall party. The conversation turned to a discussion of the difficulties of life and the challenges of culture. Melody shares: Our friends were explaining to Susie and me that they saw so much hurt and struggle as a result of cultural norms/expectations, and they felt there must be a better way to live. That’s why they were interested in hanging out with us; they had observed our loving interactions with others and were interested. This was a perfect opportunity to explain that the way we live isn’t due to any cultural background or upbringing, but to the transforming power of God and the guiding of the Holy Spirit, allowing us to live differently from the world. Our friends openly received this explanation and have continued attending the Deaf fellowship. It’s so encouraging to see these young adults questioning the fallen world around them! Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to work in their hearts as they receive truth at the Deaf fellowship and through meeting with Susie and me. Pray that they will find salvation and hope in Jesus.

Chittagong Muslims of Bangladesh (chit-TAH-gong)Pray that believers in the Chittagong area will use the beginning of the year to spend some prayerful time in reflection about future possibilities. Intercede for those who desire to see the kingdom of God grow in Bangladesh and all around the world.

Central Asian Unengaged Peoples. The Kazakhs of Uzbekistan are the third largest people group in Uzbekistan and are believed to be unengaged. They primarily speak the Russian language, not Uzbek. This language barrier creates a communication challenge for those in the Uzbek church who want to reach out to them. Meanwhile, the Russian church in Uzbekistan struggles to engage effectively with Kazakhs because of cultural differences and perceptions by Russian believers that Kazakhs are closed to the gospel. Pray that the Lord of the harvest will give Russian and Uzbek believers a heart to bridge gaps and engage with Kazakhs near them despite the challenges.

South Asian Peoples. Pray for workers scattered all over the globe who are taking the gospel to South Asians. Pray also for South Asian brothers and sisters in Christ who are joining them in this task. Many are suffering because of the gospel. Ask the Lord to guard them as they entrust themselves to Him. “And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher. That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet this is no cause for shame, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day.” (2 Timothy 1:11-12)

Muslims of Northwest India. Pray for an ongoing relief project, which serves to give believers access into the nomadic herding community, to flourish and result in much fruit. Many potential “houses of peace” (Luke 10:6) have been identified due to this project. Ask for those in the seeker groups to accept Christ and be baptized, and pray for the first church in this community to be raised up before these nomadic people go back to the mountains in the spring.

Fukuoka, Japan (foo-koo-OH-kah)Pray for the salvation of people in Fukuoka and Kitakyushu. May the Holy Spirit work through missionaries there and lead them as they work for God’s kingdom. Pray for the Lord’s protection and provision over them. Let them walk together in unity with the Spirit, speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15), seek to build each other up (1 Thessalonians 5:11), and spur each other on to love and good works (Hebrews 10:24). Pray that many Japanese people will hear the gospel and come to know Jesus personally as their Lord and Savior.

Coffee People of Southeast Asia. In December, two groups of Christians presented a live nativity drama for their community. Step and Shine youth organization and Hill of Hope church shared the true Christmas story with many who had never heard before. Those who follow the majority religion in Southeast Asia see pictures of Santa Claus and flying reindeer around Christmas time, and many even get a day off work. But unless someone clearly explains what Christmas means, they will remain confused about the true story. Praise God for these two groups, Step and Shine and Hill of Hope church, who glorified God and told many about the Savior’s birth. Pray with the Coffee People Team for people who witnessed the nativity drama and heard the gospel. May they ponder the wonder of the King’s humble birth. May they ask questions of their Christian friends. Pray that Christians will boldly and clearly articulate the gospel.

South Korea. Lord, we come before you today and pray that your glory will appear in South Korea for all of humanity to see. “Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain.(Isaiah 40:4) God, illuminate hearts in South Korea, awaken sleeping souls that have become numb to your calling. Draw them into your presence and wrap them in your love. Stir revival fires in the lives of your children — fires that will burn brightly throughout the year, melt cold hearts, and burn away years of lies and deception. Pray that the revival fires will spread over the world, resulting in a great expansion of your kingdom and for your glory. We pray in Jesus’ name.

South Asians in the United Kingdom. “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20) The women’s group hosted an evangelism outreach in their local area over the holiday season. They had a wonderful event, with 125 South Asian women and children in attendance! Everyone was able to hear the gospel in their heart language. During the meeting, newcomers heard 34 different women talk about how Jesus had changed their lives and given them hope. Pray that these visitors will participate in the Bible studies this year. Pray for everyone who heard the gospel. Ask that their hearts will be moved and that they will have a burning desire to know Christ.

Peoples of Northern Maluku Islands, Indonesia (mah-LOO-koo) – As the new year dawns around the world, pray for Mark and his wife, Rachel, as they live among the unreached in the North Maluku islands. Mark and Rachel are committed to sharing the gospel, discipling new believers, and gathering those new believers into house churches. Pray for the many who have heard, especially the ones who are open to the gospel. Pray for the new believers to be deeply rooted in their newfound faith.

People of the Upper Plains of Karnataka, India (car-NAH-tuh-kuh) – In November, some mature believers were led to the discovery of and a meeting with a group of believers among an unengaged, unreached people group that you had been asked to pray for in 2020! Praise the Lord! What joy there was for the mature believers to meet with these handful of believers and to realize that they had received training from them many years ago and that the mature believers didn’t even realize that those being trained were from this people group! Give thanks to God that there are at least 10 known believers among this people group. Pray that these 10 will be strengthened and encouraged and that they will have the desire to go to their own people to share the gospel, both those who are near to them in proximity and those who are distant from them.

Northern African and Middle Eastern Unengaged Peoples. The Mensa of Eritrea are known as one of the oldest, most respected warrior tribes of Ethiopia. In the mid-1800s, the majority of the Mensa converted from Orthodox Christianity to Islam. In the early 1900s, during the Italian colonization, some turned to Catholicism. Then, in the mid-1900s, about 1,000 of them came to follow Jesus through the work of Swedish missionaries. Today, there are approximately 42,500 Mensa people. The vast majority are Muslim, but there are still a few Catholics, Lutherans, and Ethiopian Orthodox among them. Their language is Tigre, and the Bible, the “JESUS” film, and gospel recordings and radio messages are available in their language. This people group has been adopted for prayer by a group of teenage girls. Join with these girls as they learn about the Mensa and pray for them. Thank God for the Mensa’s history of exposure to Jesus. Pray that the few who know Him will grow in their faith and reach out to others. Pray for a Mensa church to be born.

Deaf Peoples. Worker Bethany Forrester recently traveled to a South Asian country. She met local friends Sandy and Sean, saw their bubble tea shop (tea and milk with a topping of tapioca “pearls”), and met most of the Deaf who live in their village. Sandy, Sean, and many other friends had often seen Bethany share the good news, and many could sign back the gospel they had seen so many times. They have not yet believed but keep coming back for more Bible stories. It was an amazing opportunity to say goodbye to this place that Bethany has invested in for six years. She was hoping that they would believe and start a new group in their city during this trip. A week after the visit, she received videos of Sean sharing the stories he knows over the phone and a new person who showed up at their house, wanting stories! Praise God that the many planted seeds are finally starting to grow! Pray for the Deaf of South Asia, as there’s only one Deaf church in that country. Pray that their hearts will soften to the Word of Truth, they’ll soon follow the Lord, and a church will be planted in their city.

Central Asian Peoples. Central Asian English teachers in rural areas are hearing short stories from the Bible through material they’ve received with English learning/teaching content. Pray for these teachers to be open to the Word and hunger to know more.

Asian Pacific Rim Peoples. The City of Salt and Light continually needs your prayers. So many people there have never heard the gospel even once. Join us in prayer for them? Pray for eyes to be opened to His good news and that many will believe in 2023. Pray for believers there to remain strong and be bold in sharing the message that Jesus saves!

Unreached Peoples of East Indonesia. Join us in lifting up the Buru peoples from the Maluku Islands. While Islam is prominent on the northern part of the Buru Island, the southern part of the island has a Christian influence. In the middle, traditional animism is still very strong, as 58% of the Buru people claim to follow traditional folk religion, which includes a cult that worships a power called Opo Hebe Snulat. Pray that Buru believers will be strengthened and discipled in their faith, and they will make inroads through the island to reach their animistic and Muslim neighbors. Pray that Buru people will have dreams and visions of Jesus, and choose to follow Him.

Rumelian Turks of the Balkans (ru-ME-lee-an) – For more than 600 years, the Rumanian Turks have been in bondage to the evil one, and Satan will do all that he can to thwart the spread of the good news of Jesus among these Muslims families. Pray against any illness, divisiveness, and sin that would keep the gospel from being shared with those who need to hear. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” (Ephesians 6:12-13). Will you stand against the evil one and ask God’s Spirit to bring in a harvest among the Rumanian Turks of the Balkans in 2023?

People of Central Taiwan. Taiwan’s biggest holiday is the Lunar New Year. People return home to celebrate with their families and friends. The celebration starts January 21 with a big meal and ancestor worship ceremonies in the home. During the following days, worship of ancestors and gods makes the temples the busiest time of the year. Christians whose families continue in traditional ancestor worship may face pressures and even persecution for not participating. Some are not welcome home to this family gathering, leaving them isolated. Pray for Christians to bring Christ’s light to their families and remain strong in their faith. Pray for churches to step in and care for those who are not welcome home because they follow Jesus. Pray that Christmas outreach will have continued impact in communities throughout this holiday. American Peoples. Pray for all our missionaries this month who are serving among indigenous American peoples, as they will be updating their plans and goals for the year.

February 2023 Prayer Points

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)

Many missionary kids (MKs) and their parents go into the world to be a light and a witness to the truth of the gospel. As we pray for missionaries, let us also pray for their kids.

A missionary kid (MK) who recently moved a few times was skeptical about attending camp with other MKs. By the end of the week, he told his mother how it went. “This was the best week of my life!” For the first time in three years, MKs from around the Asia-Pacific Rim region gathered last July for a 5-day summer camp. “After not being together for three years, it was important to have fun making memories that will last,” the camp director said.

MKs often connect on a deeper level with each other than they do with other kids because they have shared experiences from growing up in a different culture. “We don’t realize how big an impact our summer camp friends play in our lives until we get older and we reconnect year after year,” one camper said. The camp pastor grew up as an MK and could relate with the campers. He sat with them, listened to their stories and shared some of his own. He preached from God’s Word and reminded the MKs that they have a unique opportunity to witness and take part in God’s work on the mission field. The pastor said God called all Christians, not only their parents, to go and make disciples. He encouraged them to have a soft heart toward that work.

Praise God that during camp, five MKs professed faith in Jesus Christ, three expressed the desire to be baptized and one wanted to commit to becoming a missionary. Pray that MKs will be enamored with God and joyfully embrace the life He has given them and share the gospel cross-culturally.

1 MISSIONARY KIDS. Ask God to provide friends who will be a positive influence for the MKs. As their friendships deepen may the MKs spur each other on to serve the Lord wholeheartedly.

2 EUROPE. Many MKs and their families had to leave Russia and Ukraine suddenly due to war. Pray for them to ask God to help them process what they saw and heard, and adjust to new places.

3 AMERICAS. An MK is currently in the United States, juggling nursing school and working as a resident advisor. She also leads a discipleship group on Monday afternoons. She would appreciate your prayers for more opportunities to be a bold witness with students on campus.

4 MISSIONARY KIDS. MKs experience multiple transitions in their young lives. Pray that they will learn and exercise healthy ways of dealing with everything from the stress of learning a new language to the grief of leaving beloved friends and places.

5 ASIA ­PACIFIC RIM. Pray that the hearts of MKs will be drawn to Jesus and recognize their need for a Savior. Pray that they will surrender their lives to Jesus at a young age
and be discipled well.

6 SOUTH ASIA. An MK in South Asia recently moved to a new country. He misses his friends and his old life. Pray for him and other MKs who are in transition. Pray for
them to know God’s faithful love and be sure of God’s good plans for their lives.

7 DEAF PEOPLES. My family may be moving this summer. I will miss my country and my friends. Pray for me to make new friends and to transition to my new country if we move. Zeke, 15, Southeast Asia

8 MISSIONARY KIDS. MKs may feel lonely as they adjust to college in the U.S. Pray that churches will take initiative to care for them.

9 MISSIONARY KIDS. Pray for MKs to have a faith of their own, a deep relationship with the Lord, and to learn from the faith of their parents.

10 ASIA­ PACIFIC RIM. Carly, 14, is entering high school in Japan. She asked people to pray that she makes a good friend in school.

11 MISSIONARY KIDS. Pray that pre-school-age MKs will enjoy being involved in their family’s ministry and would one day choose to follow the Lord.

12 DEAF PEOPLES. Hi! I’m Alyse, and I would like your prayers for our new church to grow. It’s a fun group of college students who ask lots of questions. I’m starting a new school, and I’m nervous about not keeping up. Can you pray for my schooling? Thank you! Alyse, 12, Southeast Asia

13 ASIA­ PACIFIC RIM. Seunghwa is an MK college freshman, living away from his family for the first time. Pray that he will walk with Jesus and do well in school. Pray for him to make good friends and enjoy basketball practice and games without injury.

14 MISSIONARY KIDS. Lift up missionaries who are parenting young children while also learning a new language and engaging communities with the gospel.

15 MISSIONARY KIDS. Many cultures bombard this generation of MKs with lies about gender, abortion, and how to pursue mental health. Pray for MKs to remember the loving way of Jesus that they’ve been taught.

16 MISSIONARY KIDS. Pray that young MKs learn a firm foundation at home that will help them when they are overwhelmed with all the changes going on around them.

17 MISSIONARY KIDS. Pray for college MKs in the U.S. to seek God as they decide what to study and which internships and jobs to accept. May they surrender their careers to God for His glory and the growth of His kingdom.

18 ASIA ­PACIFIC RIM. A 5-year-old MK in Southeast Asia struggles with sensory issues and is working on interacting peaceably with his brothers. Pray that he will grow in communication skills. Pray for strength and wisdom for his parents.

19 EUROPE. Helping their family with ministry is normal life for many MKs. To experience missions in other places, MKs in Europe can take summer mission trips to places
other than where their family serves with. Pray for those who are preparing for this year’s summer mission trip.

20 MISSIONARY KIDS. As teenage MKs and their parents have conversations about college plans, pray for clear and unified communication. Ask God for wisdom and discernment as they make decisions.

21 MISSIONARY KIDS. Pray for MKs teams who live the light of Jesus in dark and oppressive places. Pray that God will protect MKs from any kind of spiritual darkness.

22 ASIA­ PACIFIC RIM. Shawn is starting kindergarten and is still learning the local language. Pray that he adjusts well to school and continues to pick up the language.

23 MISSIONARY KIDS. Pray that pre-school-age MKs will feel comforted as they encounter new things. Pray that they will grow in their knowledge of how to handle their emotions and communicate their feelings.

24 SOUTH ASIA. Many South Asian schools are officially secular, but Hindu, Muslim, and Buddhist content can still appear in class activities. Pray for MKs at these schools to have the discernment to recognize idolatry, and to have the conviction and boldness to be different from their peers by not participating.

25 MISSIONARY KIDS. Sometimes when young adult MKs graduate and leave their home and parents, they follow worldly lifestyles. Ask God to draw them to Himself. Pray that He will give comfort and wisdom to the missionary parents in their grief and in their prayers for their kids.

26 ASIA­ PACIFIC RIM. Pray for 6-year-old Sophia to make friends in her new country and learn to love her new home. May she sense her need to repent from sin and turn to
Jesus as her Savior.

27 MISSIONARY KIDS. MKs can experience emotional challenges from being the foreigner in a place. Some are even bullied. Pray for the Holy Spirit to comfort them and give their families wisdom with how to help.

28 DEAF PEOPLES. I’m a biology major, and I have some tough classes. Pray that I can pass everything and raise my GPA this semester. School is stressful for me. Caleb, 20, U.S.