As you pray daily for China, think of the great task to which you are committing yourself. Pray that China will continue to waken spiritually and that many dark places will joyfully receive the good news of Jesus Christ.

June 2024 Prayer Points

24 Haley is a Baloch woman whose alcoholic husband often beats her and her children. Baloch women in these situations have few rights and options. Ask God to rescue Haley and her children and the many others like them. Pray that they will know the love of Jesus.

25 Amanda is a believer who wants to be bolder with her family. Last year when she told one sister that she was a Christian, that sister said, “I know.” The change in Amanda is obvious! Pray Amanda will continue to share with her family and that they will follow Jesus.

26 Landon is a believer who is eager to share with his family. Recently his father has begun reading the Bible. Pray that Landon will continue to be bold and courageous, and that his father’s eyes will be opened as he reads God’s Word.

27 Pray for a multicultural church that now includes three Baloch believers. Ask God to use their fellowship to draw more Baloch into His light and that a new Baloch church would be established!

28 Pray for Baloch believers across the world who are afraid of confessing Jesus openly in fear of being ostracized, beaten, or even killed. Pray that the Spirit will empower them. Pray that they will be filled with the peace of Jesus and will be bold witnesses.

29 It is unknown if there has ever been a healthy, authentic Baloch church worshiping in the Balochi language. Baloch believers face great risk if they meet together as Christians. Pray God will gather Baloch together to form a church despite the danger.

30 God is doing a great work among the 13 million Baloch. Pray that Jesus will continue to spread His gospel among them. Pray that in the years to come, there will be many more Baloch believers and that the darkness in Balochistan will be shattered by the light of Jesus

June 2024 Prayer Points

17 Pray for a Baloch family that God is drawing to Himself. The father is reading Scripture, one sister is studying Bible stories, and another sister is having dreams of Jesus. Pray that God will continue to speak to them and that the entire family will be saved.

18 When Polly first heard the gospel, she didn’t think she needed a savior. Over time, the Spirit opened her eyes to see her need. Last year, she confessed her sin and trusted in Jesus. Pray that Polly will grow in her faith and have courage to share it with her family.

19 Pray for Alton, an older Baloch believer who has been secretly following Jesus for many years. Alton lives in fear of others knowing that he is a believer. Pray that his heart will be encouraged and emboldened, and that the good news will spread throughout his family.

20 Katy is a Baloch woman who has been reading the Word and considering the truth. Pray for the Spirit to open her eyes and give her faith in the Son, whatever the cost.

21 Rachel has experienced brokenness in her life and family. Recently she has read the Word and heard about Jesus. Pray that the Spirit will open Rachel’s eyes and give her faith. Pray that she will encounter the peace and freedom of Jesus in the midst of her sorrow.

22 Faith is a South Asian Christian, but her husband is a Baloch Muslim. Their children also follow Islam. Pray for courage for Faith as she loves her family and shares truth with them. Pray that her husband will hear the Bible in his language and be saved.

23 Olivia is the matriarch of a large Baloch family. When she heard the Christmas story, she was fascinated by it. Since then, she has listened to it two more times. Pray that she will seek more stories about Jesus, and that she and her whole family will believe in Christ.

June 2024 Prayer Points

10 When Zach fled from Balochistan, he had rejected God. But after he met loving believers who told him the gospel, he trusted in Jesus as Lord. Pray for strength, peace, and wisdom for Zach. Pray for his wife and children as he leads them toward Jesus.

11 Zach’s elderly mother, Robin, still lives in Balochistan and has never heard the gospel. Zach doesn’t feel safe sharing with her over the phone. Pray for their reunion and for his mother to hear the gospel and believe.

12 Gary has been a follower of Jesus for several years, but seems to have forgotten the joy of his salvation. Ask God to stir his heart in conviction, drawing him into deeper relationship with his Father. Pray that Gary will hunger for God’s Word, seek genuine fellowship with other believers, and lead his family well.

13 At first Daphne was angry at her father’s new faith, but after she read the Bible, she too believed in Jesus. Pray for endurance and peace as she faces trials as a young believer. Pray that she will flee from sin and seek deep biblical community.

14 Luther believed after encountering Jesus in dreams and watching a gospel film. He has experienced persecution and suffering because of his love for Jesus. Pray for Luther’s endurance and boldness. Pray that he will fight fear and idolatry and be a godly husband and father.

15 Pray for Luther’s wife, children, and nieces, who are regularly hearing about Jesus. Though at first opposed to Luther’s faith, they are now more open. Ask God to draw their hearts and open their eyes, and that they will reject Islam to follow Jesus.

16 Dan and Tom from the back page article are young believers and bold witnesses for Jesus. Pray that they will be soft, humble, and eager to seek wisdom and accountability from the Spirit, God’s Word, and more mature believers.

June 2024 Prayer Points

3 In the war-torn country of Afghanistan, many Baloch desperately need food, water, and clothing. They face horrific realities and live in remote areas. Ask God to meet their needs and preserve them. Pray that Afghan Baloch will hear the gospel and find hope in Jesus.

4 Iranian Baloch live in a society full of hopelessness. They face joblessness, drug addiction, and a strict government. In such desperate times, there has been a rise of suicide among the youth. Pray that Iranian Baloch will be rescued by the light of Jesus.

5 Some Baloch tribes live in the country of Turkmenistan. Little is known about the status of these Baloch, but recently, there have been encouraging reports of some Baloch there reading God’s Word. Ask God to do an incredible work among the Baloch in Turkmenistan.

6 Some Baloch fled Balochistan as exiles to find asylum elsewhere, while others left to seek a better life. The diaspora have more opportunities to hear the gospel outside their homeland. Pray God will save many diaspora Baloch and send them back to Balochistan as bold witnesses.

7 About 30 years ago, a Baloch boy was drowning and prayed to many names for help. When he prayed to Jesus, he was thrown out of the water. Years later, he and his brother heard and believed the gospel. Pray for these men as they remain bold witnesses today for Jesus.

8 Bert says he is a believer but struggles in his faith because of alcohol abuse and depression. He lives far from his home community but is attending a local church where he lives. Ask God to grant him strength, endurance, peace, and deeper fellowship among believers.

9 Matt has been growing as a believer for several years. However, he recently married a Muslim woman after pressure from his family. Pray that Matt will grow in boldness and obedience to Jesus, and that he will share his faith with his wife and family.

June 2024 Prayer Points

“Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” (Jeremiah 33:3 ESV)

The story of the Baloch people is one filled with violence, oppression, and hopelessness. Yet recently God’s Spirit has been doing an amazing new work among this people. Within the past 10 years, many Baloch have been coming to faith through God’s Word, miraculous dreams of Jesus, and bold gospel proclamation. These are exciting days for the Baloch as God continues to raise up believers and build His church.

1 The Balochi language has many dialects and isn’t a standardized written language. Parts of the Bible have been translated into some dialects but not all. Pray for wisdom for those translating the Bible and for more dialects to be added so all Baloch can understand God’s Word.

2 The relationship between Pakistan and the Baloch remains fragile. Pray for Baloch families dealing with the disappearance or loss of their loved ones. Pray that Baloch will choose peace and not violence. Above all, pray that Baloch in Pakistan will find freedom in Jesus.

May 2024 Prayer Points

27 LINGTOU BAPTIST RETREAT CENTER. Praise God for how He stirs His people to gain a passion for His glorious global purposes. Ask Him to continue to use Lingtou, a Baptist retreat center, to advance the gospel, and ignite a passion in the Taiwanese church for His glory among the nations.

28 NEXT GENERATION. Students and mentors spend lots of time practicing ministry together in the 1-2-3 Next Generation program. Pray for them to be transparent and honest as they love unconditionally, forgive willingly, and follow Jesus together.

29 LUKANG, TAIWAN. In Central and South America, churches and missionaries are eager to receive volunteers from churches in the United States. Pray for more of these partnerships that open doors for sharing the gospel and engaging Southern Baptist churches deeper in missions.

30 TAIWAN. Students and mentors spend lots of time practicing ministry together in the 1-2-3 Next Generation program. Pray for them to be transparent and honest as they love unconditionally, forgive willingly, and follow Jesus together.

May 2024 Prayer Points

20 TAIWAN. As Taiwan presses forward to plant new churches, they will need help. Pray for people to see how they fit into the bigger picture of this goal and be willing to use their talents to further God’s kingdom.

21 NEXT GENERATION. As Taiwanese Christians go on cross-cultural trips, pray that they will model healthy missions and show cultural sensitivity to the host culture. Ask God to give them grace in understanding new languages and cultures.

22 TAIWAN. Missionaries serving in Taiwan have answered God’s call, giving their lives for the gospel. Pray for them as they seek to support the local church, understand and adapt to their host culture, and abide in Christ.

23 TAIWAN. Praise God for the joy the gospel brings in the lives of those who have been transformed by Him. Pray for renewed fervor and joy for all believers in Taiwan.

24 LUKANG, TAIWAN. Pray encouragement for Pastor Wang and his family along with other members of Lukang Baptist Church in Taiwan. Pray that the church will stay focused on prayer and sharing the transforming hope of the gospel with others in Lukang.

25 NEXT GENERATION. Many students approach a crossroads as they near graduation from 1-2-3 Next Generation. Ask God to give them wisdom as they seek His will for their lives and the next steps that He has prepared for them.

26 TAIWAN. Pray for Taiwanese pastors and their wives who are nearing retirement. Thank God for their faithful leadership. Pray that God will lead them in continuing to invest in believers around them even when they are no longer serving in their former roles.

May 2024 Prayer Points

13 NEXT GENERATION. Pray that mentors will encourage and be an example to 1-2-3 Next Generation students as they go out together and boldly share the gospel. Pray for them to find open hearts to share the gospel with.

14 LUKANG, TAIWAN. Praise God for what He is doing in Lukang, Taiwan. The church there is encouraged to see spiritual fruit such as salvation and discipleship. Pray that many more will come to Christ and that God will receive all the glory. May revival come to those in spiritual darkness.

15 TAIWAN. Pray Matthew 9:35-38 for the church in Taiwan to send more laborers into the harvest. May they see the need for laborers among unreached peoples and places and commit to sending more workers.

16 NEXT GENERATION. Four times a year volunteers go to Taiwan and teach a theological education class that impact students’ lives as they prepare to serve the church and share the gospel. Pray for teachers to go and invest in the lives of the 1-2-3 Next Generation students.

17 TAIWAN. Most of the church work often falls to the pastor, which can be wearying. Pray for co-workers to be identified, trained, and empowered to help. Pray that more Taiwanese Christians will lead by teaching Bible study, leading small groups, or heading up evangelism efforts.

18 LUKANG, TAIWAN. Pray for Jeff, a Taiwanese believer, and his family. Ask that his wife and children will fully grasp the gospel as they attend weekly Bible studies. Pray that truth will penetrate the hearts of his parents, who sell idols in a shop that Jeff’s grandfather opened years ago.

19 TAIWAN. Pray for Taiwanese churches to excel in making disciples. Pray that believers will hunger to know and obey the Bible and be willing to share what they know with the lost around them. May the excitement of sharing Christ deepen their understanding of their faith.

Bible Alive

May 2024 Prayer Points

6 LUKANG, TAIWAN. After church members in Lukang, Taiwan attended an evangelism training, they eagerly shared the gospel with many people. Six new believers came to faith. Pray the Holy Spirit will ground them in the faith, and they will in turn share the good news with others.

7 TAIWAN. Pray for Taiwan’s missionaries who have finished a term and are waiting for visas to return to the field. They are busy connecting and sharing while they are home, but their hearts long to be back on the mission field where the workers are extremely few.

8 TAIWAN. Several IMB teams have welcomed Global Missionary Partners (GMPs) from Taiwan. Pray for these relationships to be mutually beneficial and to greatly help in expanding God’s kingdom throughout the world.

9 NEXT GENERATION. Partnership is essential in seeing the nations come to Christ. Pray for good cooperation and unity between local churches and the 1-2-3 Next Generation program so that many in Taiwan and around the world will know and treasure Christ.

10 TAIWAN. Taiwan churches have a goal to send 200 short term teams in 2024, increase church membership by 10%, baptize 1,000 people soon, and to continue in planting 100 churches in 10 years. Join them in praying for God’s direction and blessing. May He be glorified!

11 LUKANG, TAIWAN. Pray for the people of Lukang, Taiwan who seek prosperity from the sea goddess, Mazu. Pray that God would reveal to them that Mazu is a false god and that He is the one who gives good gifts and is their provider and sustainer.

12 TAIWAN. Huayu International Missions is the sending entity for Taiwan Baptists. Formed in 2020, it is still growing and maturing, and in need of more resources and people to commit to serving. May God provide for them and use this collaboration to send long-term missionaries.