As you pray daily for China, think of the great task to which you are committing yourself. Pray that China will continue to waken spiritually and that many dark places will joyfully receive the good news of Jesus Christ.

God Calls The Baloch

The Baloch are a Central Asian people group of around 13 million whose home-land, Balochistan, spans parts of Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan. Many Baloch live as a diaspora population in Europe and the Arabian Peninsula. Baloch men wear tribal turbans called págs, while the women wear colorful dresses called pashks. Children in Balochistan often have little education, spending their days tending to goats and playing outside.

The situation in Balochistan is marked by tensions. Many Baloch feel their communities are oppressed. While some advocate for independence through peaceful means, others resort to violent actions against Pakistani soldiers. Simultaneously, there are reports of Pakistani authorities engaging in assaults against the Baloch community. It’s a difficult situation with the gospel as the only solution.

Amid such turmoil, most Baloch are Muslims. They pray five times a day, listen to the Quran in Arabic (a language they don’t understand), and seek a god who is silent and unreachable. Most Baloch people will die having never heard the gospel.

Yet God is doing amazing things. Twenty years ago, there were few Baloch believers. Today, several hundred Baloch people follow Jesus. Within the past 10 years especially, more stories have emerged about Baloch coming to faith through miraculous dreams and access to God’s Word. Astonishingly, it seems some believers have been quietly following Jesus for years. God’s extraordinary work among the Baloch continues to unfold as He calls many out of darkness.

Please join with joyful anticipation in praying for these people. These are the days of the Baloch, and Jesus is truly worthy of their praise.

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