As you pray daily for China, think of the great task to which you are committing yourself. Pray that China will continue to waken spiritually and that many dark places will joyfully receive the good news of Jesus Christ.

The Bach’s

Campbell and Elizabeth Bach dream of seeing the peoples of South Asia reached with the gospel. They serve as leaders on a small team responsible for sharing the gospel and planting churches among tens of thousands of villages, encompassing many millions of people, and spanning hundreds of miles. Many people groups in this region remain unreached and unengaged with the gospel. Their task is immense. 

“South Asia is the greatest concentration of lostness,” Bach said. “I think there are more than 4 million South Asian people for every one IMB missionary. And the lostness, the vastness, and just the need for more workers is overwhelming.”

Read more at “Missionaries partner with national believers”

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