As you pray daily for China, think of the great task to which you are committing yourself. Pray that China will continue to waken spiritually and that many dark places will joyfully receive the good news of Jesus Christ.

June 2024 Prayer Points

10 When Zach fled from Balochistan, he had rejected God. But after he met loving believers who told him the gospel, he trusted in Jesus as Lord. Pray for strength, peace, and wisdom for Zach. Pray for his wife and children as he leads them toward Jesus.

11 Zach’s elderly mother, Robin, still lives in Balochistan and has never heard the gospel. Zach doesn’t feel safe sharing with her over the phone. Pray for their reunion and for his mother to hear the gospel and believe.

12 Gary has been a follower of Jesus for several years, but seems to have forgotten the joy of his salvation. Ask God to stir his heart in conviction, drawing him into deeper relationship with his Father. Pray that Gary will hunger for God’s Word, seek genuine fellowship with other believers, and lead his family well.

13 At first Daphne was angry at her father’s new faith, but after she read the Bible, she too believed in Jesus. Pray for endurance and peace as she faces trials as a young believer. Pray that she will flee from sin and seek deep biblical community.

14 Luther believed after encountering Jesus in dreams and watching a gospel film. He has experienced persecution and suffering because of his love for Jesus. Pray for Luther’s endurance and boldness. Pray that he will fight fear and idolatry and be a godly husband and father.

15 Pray for Luther’s wife, children, and nieces, who are regularly hearing about Jesus. Though at first opposed to Luther’s faith, they are now more open. Ask God to draw their hearts and open their eyes, and that they will reject Islam to follow Jesus.

16 Dan and Tom from the back page article are young believers and bold witnesses for Jesus. Pray that they will be soft, humble, and eager to seek wisdom and accountability from the Spirit, God’s Word, and more mature believers.

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