As you pray daily for China, think of the great task to which you are committing yourself. Pray that China will continue to waken spiritually and that many dark places will joyfully receive the good news of Jesus Christ.

May 2024 Prayer Points

27 LINGTOU BAPTIST RETREAT CENTER. Praise God for how He stirs His people to gain a passion for His glorious global purposes. Ask Him to continue to use Lingtou, a Baptist retreat center, to advance the gospel, and ignite a passion in the Taiwanese church for His glory among the nations.

28 NEXT GENERATION. Students and mentors spend lots of time practicing ministry together in the 1-2-3 Next Generation program. Pray for them to be transparent and honest as they love unconditionally, forgive willingly, and follow Jesus together.

29 LUKANG, TAIWAN. In Central and South America, churches and missionaries are eager to receive volunteers from churches in the United States. Pray for more of these partnerships that open doors for sharing the gospel and engaging Southern Baptist churches deeper in missions.

30 TAIWAN. Students and mentors spend lots of time practicing ministry together in the 1-2-3 Next Generation program. Pray for them to be transparent and honest as they love unconditionally, forgive willingly, and follow Jesus together.