As you pray daily for China, think of the great task to which you are committing yourself. Pray that China will continue to waken spiritually and that many dark places will joyfully receive the good news of Jesus Christ.

Taiwanese Missionaries  

Lukang (Deer Port), a seaport town on the west coast of Central Taiwan, is a city in spiritual darkness. People burn incense and bow to the sea goddess, Mazu, so that the local fishing industry might prosper. Temple workers carry idols through town accepting money and sometimes falling into trances. IMB missionaries, Matt and Carey Bandy, joined Pastor Wang and several members of Lukang (Deer Port) Baptist Church in prayer walking this area. The group passed an idol shop as they prayed.

The next week, the family that lives above that idol shop attended the Baptist church for the first time. Jeff’s family had opened the idol shop generations ago. He had heard and believed the gospel while in college, but his wife, young children, and parents don’t believe the gospel yet. His parents aren’t even interested. Pray for Jeff’s wife and children as they attend church with him. Pray for the church to continue being consistent in prayer, trainings, home visits, and evangelism, which have already led to dramatic church growth.