As you pray daily for China, think of the great task to which you are committing yourself. Pray that China will continue to waken spiritually and that many dark places will joyfully receive the good news of Jesus Christ.

Taiwanese Baptists

Taiwan sits as a small island off the coast of Southeast China. It is only slightly larger than the state of Maryland and is home to 23 million people, yet the church in Taiwan is increasingly seeing that it can play a pivotal role in the advance of God’s kingdom. Baptist work in Taiwan is over 70 years old, and that work has yielded churches all over the island. In 2020 that took a new turn outward, as Huayu International Missions was formed in partnership with the International Mission Board (IMB) to send Taiwanese to take the gospel to the nations. This vision has gathered momentum. The church in Taiwan is poised to be a hub for the future of global missions. A base for this movement sits on a mountain north of Taipei.

Lingtou is a Baptist retreat center once owned by the IMB and later donated to Taiwan Baptists. Dormant for many years, Lingtou is now being revitalized by a group of Taiwanese young people eager to see Taiwanese reached for the gospel and then sent out to impact the nations. Lingtou is seen as a missions base to gather, train, pray, and send, and is increasingly serving as a rallying point to unify Taiwan Baptists around a Great Commission vision. Recently hundreds of Taiwanese youth gathered at Lingtou to worship and be challenged to give their lives for the sake of the gospel. Many responded to this call. The Spirit is actively using Taiwanese to be a bright light to the nations. Pray that more and more will be sent to tell the nations the good news of Jesus Christ.