As you pray daily for China, think of the great task to which you are committing yourself. Pray that China will continue to waken spiritually and that many dark places will joyfully receive the good news of Jesus Christ.

May 2024 Prayer Points

6 LUKANG, TAIWAN. After church members in Lukang, Taiwan attended an evangelism training, they eagerly shared the gospel with many people. Six new believers came to faith. Pray the Holy Spirit will ground them in the faith, and they will in turn share the good news with others.

7 TAIWAN. Pray for Taiwan’s missionaries who have finished a term and are waiting for visas to return to the field. They are busy connecting and sharing while they are home, but their hearts long to be back on the mission field where the workers are extremely few.

8 TAIWAN. Several IMB teams have welcomed Global Missionary Partners (GMPs) from Taiwan. Pray for these relationships to be mutually beneficial and to greatly help in expanding God’s kingdom throughout the world.

9 NEXT GENERATION. Partnership is essential in seeing the nations come to Christ. Pray for good cooperation and unity between local churches and the 1-2-3 Next Generation program so that many in Taiwan and around the world will know and treasure Christ.

10 TAIWAN. Taiwan churches have a goal to send 200 short term teams in 2024, increase church membership by 10%, baptize 1,000 people soon, and to continue in planting 100 churches in 10 years. Join them in praying for God’s direction and blessing. May He be glorified!

11 LUKANG, TAIWAN. Pray for the people of Lukang, Taiwan who seek prosperity from the sea goddess, Mazu. Pray that God would reveal to them that Mazu is a false god and that He is the one who gives good gifts and is their provider and sustainer.

12 TAIWAN. Huayu International Missions is the sending entity for Taiwan Baptists. Formed in 2020, it is still growing and maturing, and in need of more resources and people to commit to serving. May God provide for them and use this collaboration to send long-term missionaries.

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